Chester Zoo, need we say more?

So, you’re probably wondering why Chester zoo? On the 10th of July 2016 we had been together just over 2 months and Harry decided to take me on one of our first proper dates to Chester Zoo. At the time, we were both going through a very difficult time and Harry wanted to take me out to take my mind off things and just have a nice day together.

Now, if you’ve not been to Chester Zoo before it’s a magical place. It doesn’t matter what age you are; you are transported into a child like state of nostalgia. You stare in wonder at different creatures and how beautiful animals really are. So, when we spent that day at the zoo together, we fell a little bit more in love.

What's your favourite animal, you might just see one at our wedding!?

Walking hand in hand, discussing all our favourite animals, it is still one of our favourite days that we’ve shared. We got to the gift shop as we were leaving and were looking at the different toys where we saw they had these very cute toy gibbons. Now as a very skint student, I checked the price and refused to pay £16 for a monkey I didn’t really need. So off I went to the bathroom, and I thought Harry had done the same.

I came out and waited for Harry on a bench in the sunshine when suddenly, a monkey dropped into my lap. Harry had bought the monkey as a surprise for me, and we still have Gibby the Gibbon to this day. He’s 8 this year! A beautiful souvenir of a perfect day and that’s why we chose the zoo!

The wedding venue being beautiful and our money going to the animals is even better!